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  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)

    An EAL pupil is a pupil whose first language is not English.

    A pupil's first language is not English when the pupil:

    • Has been exposed to a language other than English during early development
    • Continues to be exposed to this language in the home or in the community

    EAL pupils may be:

    • Newly arrived from a foreign country and school
    • Newly arrived from a foreign country, but an English speaking school
    • Born abroad, but moved to the UK at some point before starting school
    • Born in the UK, but in a family where the main language is not English
    • Seeking Asylum or have refugee status

    Languages other than English that are spoken by children in our school include

    Arabic, Chinese, Edo, Farsi, French, Hindi, Igbo, Polish, Portuguese, Urdu, Yoruba

    At St John the Baptist Primary School we work together to:

    • Promote equality of opportunity for all EAL learners
    • Ensure access to the curriculum through high quality teaching
    • Support pupils to speak, understand, read and write English
    • Support the continued use of the pupil home language
    • Acknowledge individual strengths and celebrate cultural identities
