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  • Mental Health and Well-being

    • Mental Health Lead - Mrs S Drust
    • Mental Health First Aider - Mrs E Blundell
    • Child & Family Support Practitioner - Ms S Clarke

    What support is available for children’s mental health and wellbeing?

    Our curriculum promotes pupil resilience, confidence and ability to learn.

    Our school virtues support children’s overall wellbeing.

    Our positive classroom management promotes positive behaviour, social development and high pupil self-esteem.

    Where appropriate, the school will support parents/carers in the management and development of the individual needs of their child. For pupils with complex difficulties, additional in-school support may include one-to-one therapeutic work with the pupil or support from an Educational Mental Health Practitioner. When in-school intervention is not appropriate, referrals and commissioning may be required to support the pupil.

    It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood. Therefore, St John the Baptist Primary School aim to ensure that the Public Health England & DfE Principles for Promoting Mental health and Wellbeing are reflected in our whole school approach to SEND Provision.

    Provision Impact

    As a result of the support and provision at St John the Baptist Primary School, pupils will:

    • Feel safe, secure and cared for
    • Show confidence, resilience and self-motivation in the classroom
    • Have good mental health which helps them to develop and thrive
    • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities
    • Work collaboratively with their peers
    • Develop skills and knowledge across the curriculum to prepare them for the next stage of their education and, in the long term, prepare them for employment, independent living and making a positive contribution to their community

    For support on specific mental health needs: