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  • Safeguarding

    Below is further information about how we ensure a strong culture of safeguarding at St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary School.

    If you have a complaint or concern about a member of staff at our school, please contact the headteacher, Mr Gallagher. If you have a complaint or concern about the headteacher then please contact the CSEL (CEO) of Our Lady and All Saints MAC - Mr Peter Davies.  See the OLAAS Allegations Against Staff Policy on our website, see the link to the OLAAS website or ask for a copy at our school office.

    Our lead DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) is Mr I. Gallagher. Mrs Dixon, Ms. Sarah Clarke and Mrs S. Drust are also DSLs. You can contact them directly with any safeguarding concerns. Or if you share a concern with another member of staff, they will either pass on your concern directly to a DSL or log it on our safeguarding system 'My Concern'

    Our children are regularly made aware of what to do if they have a worry, concern or if they need to make a disclosure. Each classroom also has a poster which has pictures of our DSLs, to ensure children know who to go to, or know who their disclosure will be passed on to.

    We regularly share strong and clear anti-bullying messages through our curriculum and in assemblies. We follow the KiVa approach to anti bullying (see below) and also have anti bullying charters displayed in all areas of school.