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  • Our Governors


    CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Mrs H. Cox (Foundation)

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed - 18.11.2021
    Appointed by foundation/ trust
    Term of Office: 18.11.2025
    Attendance at Full Local Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months - 100% 

    VICE CHAIR OF GOVERNORS: Mr A. Spindlow (Foundation)

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed 21.03.17
    Appointed by foundation/ trust
    Term of Office: 20.03.2021
    Attendance at Full Local Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months - 100% 

    Mr I. Gallagher (Headteacher)

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed - 01.09.15
    Appointed by ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher
    Attendance at Full Local Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months - 100% 


    Miss C. Hickey (Foundation)

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed: 01.01.2023
    Appointed  by foundation/ trust
    Term of Office: 05.01.2027
    Attendance at Full Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months -  100% 

    Mrs M White (Foundation) 

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed - 06.01.2023
    Appointed by foundation/trust
    Term of Office: 05.01.2027
    Attendance at Full Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months - 100%


    Mrs K. Quintieri

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed - 8.12.24
    Term of Office: 8.12.2028
    Attendance at Full Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months - 100%



    Mrs S. Volante

    c/o St. John the Baptist School Office
    Appointed- 21.11.24
    Elected by school staff
    Term of Office: 21.11.2028
    Attendance at Full Local Governing Body and committee meetings in the last 12 months - NA 

    Clerk to Governors - Josephine O'Rafferty

    (There are no associate members on the St John the Baptist Catholic School Governing Body)

    All of the above governors serving on the St. John the Baptist Catholic School Governing Body have declared that they do not have any pecuniary (business) interests linked to the school.

    All of the above governors serving on the St. John the Baptist Catholic School Governing Body have declared that they do not have any material interests arising from relationships between governors or members of our school staff.

    Thank you to our governors for their support and dedication to our continued school improvement.