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  • Writing


    We aim to develop the children’s ability to produce well structured, detailed writing in which the meaning is made clear and which engages the interest of the reader. Attention is paid to the formal structures of English, grammatical accuracy, effective punctuation and application of spelling strategies. Progress is monitored regularly by SLT and by all teachers evaluating progress and moderating against national standards.


    Teachers model all aspects of writing strategies – including planning and redrafting - and the use of phonics and spelling strategies in shared/modelled writing sessions. Class lessons are used to target specific needs of both groups and individuals, whilst children regularly have opportunities to write at length. These sessions may include a focus on editing and improving writing in terms of vocabulary, effective punctuation and grammar and give the opportunity to practise relevant writing structures in useful and appropriate contexts.

    The children are given frequent opportunities to write in different contexts using quality texts as a model and for a variety of purposes and audiences. There are many opportunities for children to plan their writing inspired by drama, role play, hot seating and film clips. They may be asked to produce their writing on their own or as part of group or pair. Children will also be given the opportunity to use Computing tools to support tasks.

    All children use self/peer and teacher feed-forward judgements based on an agreed checklist in their books based on national expectations. Dictation is used often to provide opportunities to practise and apply all spelling, punctuation and grammar skills discreetly.


    High standards of handwriting are expected in all classes. A consistent cursive style should be developed by the end of Y6. Children practise handwriting skills weekly and receive a pen licence when a neat joined style is achieved. Good handwriting is displayed.


    At Saint John the Baptist, we teach spelling through a phonetic approach across the whole school. This protects the children from cognitive overload and ensures that they build on prior learning in phonics from Early Years and Key Stage One.

    Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

    The 2014 Curriculum has clear statutory requirements regarding vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. This shows the standard expected when written work is being completed. SPAG skills are learned discreetly and then applied in writing tasks or spoken outcomes.

    Cross- Curricular Writing Opportunities

    Teachers will seek to take advantage of opportunities to make cross-curricular links. They will plan for pupils to practise and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding acquired through English lessons to other areas of the curriculum. The same standard of writing is expected as in English books.


    Our children will become fluent and competent writers with embedded basic skills. This enables them to explore various styles and develop their own creativity. Children's handwriting is beautifully neat and correctly formed, showing care for work and allowing for fluency. Our children have the resilience to draft, re-draft and produce successful pieces of extended writing, of which they are justly proud!

    How we assess:

    We assess children’s writing against our progression documents and make teacher judgements each term. Moderation meetings take place regularly to compare standards to ensure all judgements are precise. These meetings are supported by experienced moderators.

    English books are scrutinised termly by whole staff following a planned programme covering all aspects of writing. Children not meeting expected standards are supported with interventions, as necessary.