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Physical Education

“Exercise not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude and your mood.”

Vedant Bhavsar


PESSPA (Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity) at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School aims to offer an inclusive, fun, vigorous and high-quality curriculum which inspires all children to succeed in physically demanding activities. From EYFS all the way to Year 6, we aim to provide opportunities for all of our children to develop their physical, cognitive and emotional skills through high-quality physical education, school sport and physical activity structure. We aim to provide a clear and progressive learning journey for our children, ensuring a holistic teaching, learning and assessment approach is applied, to reflect our school values, aims and ethos.

Our children will have opportunities to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed both the British and School Games Values. PESSPA at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School is an imperative element of the curriculum, which develops an understanding and application for being physically literature, leading a healthy lifestyle, consuming a balanced diet, developing a positive growth mind-set and owning the resilience to persevere with activities that may have once felt too challenging. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of a team, understanding fairness, the rule of law and sporting etiquette.


  • Children at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School participate in a minimum of 2 hours per week high-quality PESSPA and sporting activities led by teachers and specialist sports coaches.
  • Children at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary school will be taught and assessed using Get Set 4 PE: a progressive and well-structured resource which runs in line with the AfPE ‘Head, Heart, Hands’ concept, allowing us to ensure we are developing well-balanced children for the 21st century.
  • Our PESSPA curriculum incorporates a variety of sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, awareness and appreciation of their own and others’ strengths and weaknesses. It gives children the opportunity to assess, evaluate, improve theirs and their peers’ performances.
  • Our PESSPA curriculum allows children to positively transfer previously learnt skills across a range of sports.
  • We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities before, during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events. This allows us to extend and enrich our PESSPA curriculum. (Yognastics, Dancenastics, Mobility Class, Multi-Skills, Football Club)
  • Targetted interventions are implemented to ensure no child is left behind.
  • SEND interventions are implemented to ensure our SEND offer goes above and beyond.
  • ‘Gifted and Talented’ pupils at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School are targeted for further challenge throughout PESSPA lessons and extra-curricular clubs.
  • We use Family Fisher Trust (FFT) effectively to ensure children are assessed against the National Curriculum.
  • We up level the cultural capital of PESSPA by hosting termly PESSPA celebratory assemblies and promoting positive sporting role models in the current news.
  • We provide our children with opportunities to develop their leadership skills, from Sports Captains delivering parts of a lesson, to Year 5/6 children leading their own warm-ups.


Our PESSPA curriculum will ensure children leave St John the Baptist Catholic Primary with the cognitive, physical and emotional skills to continue to progress into the KS3 curriculum and beyond.

Our PESSPA curriculum will produce a well-balanced, physically literate and healthy child ready for the 21st century.

Our PESSPA curriculum will produce a resilient, determined and positive child who has the cognitive behaviours to approach challenge with open-mindedness.

Our PESSPA curriculum will give children the competitive opportunities, experiences and encounters, to embed core values for society.

Our PESSPA curriculum will produce a child who can make links, connections and associations with themselves and sport throughout the world.

How we assess:

Our PESSPA will curriculum will allow teachers to assess the children’s work in PE, both by making informal judgements, as they observe them during lessons, and through assessing against the specific objectives set out in the National Curriculum and recorded using the Get Set 4 PE assessment software.