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  • You said...So we...

    This page shows how we value and act on your views and requests as parents and carers. We gather information from parents' evenings, questionnaires, evaluations and from our Parent Council. Your thoughts and ideas are valued and help us in our drive to continue to improve our school.

    You said… that you would like us to improve communication

    So we…developed a brand new website and introduced a mobile phone app to enable easy access. We also established class blogs and a school Twitter page

    You said…that you would like behaviour in school to be outstanding

    So we… reviewed our Behaviour Policy; introduced new behaviour incentives and altered the layout of our school to support and encourage outstanding behaviour

    You said…that you would like our children to receive more regular rewards

    So we… introduced more ‘Stars of the Week’ and a termly Tea with the HT

    You said… that our school uniform was of poor quality

    So we… completely reviewed and redesigned our uniform and our children now look fantastic

    You said… that the outdoor areas of our school lacked a Catholic identity

    So we… replaced, improved and increased our school signage; installed a cross on our school tower and installed a beautiful new prayer garden

    You said… that you would like us to help you to support your child’s learning at home.

    So we… introduced Inspire workshops and regularly send home information about new curriculum and assessment changes

    You said that we should improve our children's playtime experience

    So we.... have created and invested in Playpods; zoned our playgrounds and completely reviewed our organisation of wet dinner time breaks.

    You said that you don't always understand the difference between arguments and bullying.

    So we... have invested in KIVA - a whole school approach to anti-bullying

    In our 2023 Parent/ Carer Questionnaire 10% of those who responded said that their child did not take part in after-school clubs.

    So we... have devised a new whole school annual planner which ensures that all year groups have a range of activities offered across the year. We also target some children for particular activities, if we think they will benefit, for a variety of reasons.

    In our 2023 Parent/ Carer Questionnaire, there was still a high proportion who responded they 'did not know' to various questions.

    So we... will continue to ensure senior leaders are present at the school gates every morning so that we can keep you fully aware, whilst also looking for other ways to ensure you feel listened to.