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Parents' Information

St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School

We will prepare the way by loving, living and learning with the Lord


The family will:

  • Support the Catholic teaching and ethos of St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School.
  • Be a good role model for behaviour and positively support the school rules.
  • Ensure that our child arrives at school on time, in agreed uniform (correctly labelled), and ready to benefit from the day at school.
  • To strive for 100% attendance and ensure that the school is informed of any absences by telephone.
  • Support the school’s commitment to ensure no term time holidays.
  • Communicate with the school regarding anything which may affect our child’s education or welfare.
  • Support and encourage children to read at home and to complete homework set.
  • Demonstrate courtesy and respect for others in the school community.
  • Refrain from making comments about the school, its staff or children on-line. Instead sharing concerns through appropriate channels by meeting with a senior member of staff or your child's class teacher.
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings to discuss progress, success and concerns.
  • Encourage and celebrate our child’s achievements

The child will:

  • Take part in daily prayer and worship.
  • Be forgiving and show consideration for others
  • Work as hard as I can and take a pride in my work at school and at home.
  • Follow classroom and playground rules
  • Be kind and understanding towards each other
  • Be an enthusiastic and active learner
  • Dress smartly in my school uniform.
  • Tell a grown up/monitor if I am upset or unhappy.
  • Set a good example to younger pupils by my words and actions.
  • Try my best with all homework and complete it on time.
  • Take responsibility for my actions and take care of my belongings.
  • Show good sportsmanship.

The school will:

  • Provide a Catholic setting for the education of all pupils.
  • Provide a happy, caring, safe and supportive learning environment
  • Praise and reward good behaviour in class, the school and the community.
  • Encourage pupils to work to the best of their ability.
  • Praise and reward good attendance and punctuality and challenge poor attendance and punctuality.
  • Develop children’s independence by giving your child increasing responsibility for his/her own learning, behaviour and belongings.
  • Keep parents informed about children’s progress and well being.
  • Welcome parents and carers to share comments and concerns pledging to address or resolve them as soon as possible.
  • Make your child’s education meaningful and enjoyable.
  • Prepare your child to become a valued member of society.
  • Promote kindness, courtesy and good manners