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Early Years

In Early Years, we say our daily prayers together as a class family. We enjoy listening to stories from the Bible and try hard to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We take part in Collective Worship on a weekly basis, as well as learning about the Lord during our Religious Education lessons.


The children in Early Years take it in turns to lead our daily prayers. The children help to prepare the prayer tables to reflect the time of year and they use the prayer table as a focus during prayer time each day. 

When they start Nursery we teach them how to make the sign of the cross by using 'From my head to my heart, from this shoulder to this shoulder, I belong to God' at the start of our prayer. 

Collective Worship

The children enjoy preparing the focal point for collective worship.  Our collective worship includes meditation, prayers, stories from the Bible and songs. During this time, the children have the opportunity to share their own prayers, as well as say traditional prayers, listen and respond to Bible stories, celebrate the gifts and talents God has given us and think and talk about how we can be more like Jesus. 


Prayer Garden

The nursery and reception children enjoy spending time in the prayer garden. They know that the prayer garden is a special place that they can visit to say prayers and have some quiet time to think and talk to Jesus. We have also used the prayer garden to re-enact stories from the Bible.

Prayer Tree

The children have enjoyed helping to change the beautiful tree in our outdoor area to a prayer tree. They all wrote their own prayers and with help, they attached them to the prayer tree.


The children really enjoyed performing their Christmas nativity ‘Whoops-a-daisy Angel’. The children were all very confident and amazed their families with how well they performed. The children used the story, songs, actions and props to help them tell everyone about the true meaning of Christmas.