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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4.

Here you will see how we embrace Catholic life through; prayer services, assemblies, RE lessons, and themed weeks. You’ll also see how it is embedded in everything we do.

Our School Virtues

Virtues are habits for us at St John’s. We can find examples of each of our virtues in action every day. We understand that by living by our virtues we are feeding our souls and ensuring we are being good British citizens.

 Our whole school assemblies, Key Stage assemblies, prayer services and school Masses continually reiterate this. It is embedded throughout our curriculum and daily experiences.

Through our weekly Collective Worship, RE lessons, PSHE, SMVSC links and promoting The Beatitudes and Virtues, we are able to make real links between the values of our pupils and the lives of others in their community, country and the world in general.


Through our themed weeks (Living, Learning and Loving) we teach about responsibility, rules and laws, world issues, equality, values and virtues, environmental awareness and importantly, respect of other world faiths.

Religious Education

We follow the curriculum strategy for Religious Education in the Catholic Primary Schools of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Learning and Growing as the People of God. It makes learning about our faith lively, interactive and relevant.

I Wonder…

The children in Year 4 regularly have the opportunity to reflect on beliefs and values by talking, exploring, discussing, thinking and responding to questions. The children then articulate views and thoughts and listen attentively to others.

The children also have the opportunity to think about their own questions of meaning and purpose and are able to express their own points of view. The questions asked are added to our ‘I Wonder…’ board. Through these questions they encounter the idea of mystery as well as appreciate that there are general questions about life that are difficult to answer.

Prayer Focus

Our prayer focus is always at the front of the classroom and is a focal point during class prayer services or for the children’s own private intentions when they might want to take a moment and reflect.

Brown Book

Our brown book provides evidence of other opportunities the children receive. This might include:

  • Cross-curricular learning
  • Children leading in Collective Worship
  • Drama, practical based lessons.
  • Whole school masses
  • Class masses
  • Assemblies
  • Prayer garden/church/ other locations
  • Community links
  • Entries on newsletters
  • Twitter tweets
  • Saints Days,
  • Mission weeks