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  • Daily Prayers

    Morning Prayer

    Father in Heaven, I give you today.

    All that I think and do and say.

    I want to join in all that was done,

    By Jesus Christ, your dearest Son.


    Prayer before Meals

    Bless us, O God, as we sit together.

    Bless the food we eat today.

    Bless the hands that make the food.

    Bless us all, O God.


    Prayer After Meals

    Thank you, God, for the food

    We have eaten.

    Thank you, God, for all our friends.

    Thank you, God, for everything.

    Thank you, God.


    Evening Prayer

    God, our Father, we come to say,

    Thank you for your love today.

    Thank you for my family

    And all the friends you give to me.

    Guard me in the dark of night

    And in the morning send your light.
