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  • Our Faith

    School Assemblies and Masses

    All children at St John’s have a daily act of worship. These take different forms. Each week the children gather to praise God in singing, which supports our spiritual life and preparation for Mass and assemblies. Every afternoon every class take part in a meditation session, this helps prepare the children for the rest of the day but also allows them time to talk to God privately.

    On Tuesday we gather for a whole school assembly in the hall and on Thursday we have separate Key Stage One and Key Stage Two assemblies.

    Every class leads their own prayer service on a Wednesday. These take place in classrooms and offer children the chance to share their own spontaneous prayers.

    Every Friday we have a lovely celebration assembly, when all staff and children gather to praise God for our achievements. House points are awarded and ‘Star of the Week’ and other achievements such as our Virtues awards are shared and celebrated.

    Each class leads one class assembly during the year for the whole school to watch. All parents and carers are invited.

    We celebrate a whole school Mass twice each half term. Mass is celebrated in our church. The Mass readings are prepared by children from Year One to Year Six, on a rota basis. All parents and parishioners are very welcome to join the school at Mass. You will be kept informed about Mass via the weekly newsletter.

    All parents and carers are expected to support the school’s mission and the integral nature of our prayer life, daily assemblies and Masses for the children’s spiritual development.

    Any non-Catholic families who want to know more about the Catholic faith should contact our parish priest

    Fr. Michael Bonaccorsi on 0121 747 2873