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  • We will prepare the way by loving, living and learning with the Lord

  • Attentive and Discerning

  • Grateful and Generous

  • Compassionate and Loving

  • Faith-filled and Hopeful

  • Eloquent and Truthful

  • Learned and Wise

  • Curious and Active

  • Begin Your Journey


    Headteacher’s Welcome

    Welcome to St. John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, proud to be part of Our Lady and All Saints Catholic Multi Academy Company.

    Why Choose Us?

  • What OFSTED says...

    Pupils behave well. The school environment is calm and purposeful. Systems for rewarding positive actions, or dealing with negative behaviours, are simple and consistently applied. There is great emphasis on developing pupils’ learning beyond the academic curriculum. The children’s charter, alongside the Catholic virtues support an exceptional programme of character development. Staff work on ensuring pupils grow as compassionate and curious individuals who are prepared to take risks and accept responsibility for their community. All pupils benefit from a wide range of carefully considered extra-curricular clubs and groups.’

  • What the Catholic Schools Inspectorate says...

    There is a strong sense of community, evident in the lived-out mission of the school and the quality of relationships. The school is very committed to the pastoral care of all pupils. Pupils are well cared for and nurtured; they respond positively, respectfully and with a high standard of behaviour.

  • What our parents/ carers and children say...

    100% of parents/ carers believe their child is happy, well looked after and makes good progress at our school. 100% of parents/ carers state that the school makes sure their child is well prepared for the future (for example, changing year group, changing school, and for children who are finishing school.)

  • Our Lady and All Saints

    We are proud to be a member of
    Our Lady and All Saints
    Catholic Multi Academy Company